Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who Hijacked the Primaries?

With John McCain’s all-too-easy road to the nomination paved through Florida and now nearly complete one thing is clear: The Republican Party has been hijacked. Over the past month a new Axis of Evil has emerged -- not one based in Damascus, Tehran or Pyongyang -- but instead in Cedar Rapids, Charleston, South Carolina, Derry, New Hampshire and Boca Raton, Florida. It is the liberal and “independent” voters in these 4 states that have nearly completed a deed that makes Kim Jong Il envious -- the near crippling of the American Electoral System. These four states have combined their native liberal populism with an imported liberal electorate and have forced the GOP to accept a nominee so distasteful that in more than one poll -- the numbers of voters choosing not to vote and those choosing to vote third party actually exceed those who will hold their nose and vote for Maverick, War Hero, Amnesty Supporter, John McCain.


What we have is the sick and twisted dreams of Pinch Sulzberger, Don Imus, Maureen Dowd, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews come true: the GOP has been forced to choose a nominee designed to cause the base to retch, and thereby not vote. Guaranteeing 4 years of Clinton score settling or Obama socializing entire corporate sectors.

Its time to simultaneously bring back democracy to the GOP and defang the left and her Rockefeller accomplices in the new Axis of Evil. It’s time for the nuclear option -- its time for the GOP to front-load the whole freaking process into one date. Make every state vote on exactly the same day. Make every candidate compete in EVERY state at the exact same time and hold every single GOP primary and caucus on Super Tuesday. When NH and IOWA complain, take a page from the Democrats and refuse to seat their delegates, or better yet, declare renegade states as straw polls.

I have to say that I have HAD IT with the way things are currently being done. This change would work for me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New oil refineries needed

A recent report shows the energy bill being negotiated between the House and the Senate would dramatically increase energy (including gasoline) prices. Economic research firm CRA International found that congressional proposals would more than double the cost of petroleum products - if you don't like oil at $100 per barrel you will really hate it at $200 per barrel.

It should come as no surprise that Congress would make matters worse. After all, they are partly to blame for our current situation. Building new oil refineries or expanding existing ones is among the most affordable, effective and reliable ways to increase supplies and lower prices. Yet emissions controls and mandates for specific gasoline blends have forced many refineries to close and made building new oil refineries very difficult. In fact, no new ones have been built in the U.S. for nearly 30 years.

For example throughout the 1990s, the oil industry spent nearly 25 percent of capital investment - more than $100 billion - to comply with environmental regulations. For some plants, compliance with ever-increasing standards was simply too costly. For instance, oil refiner Premcor shut two Illinois oil refineries because it could not afford required upgrades. Modifications in one refinery alone would have cost $70 million.

Polar Bears & the Endangered Species Act

The Department of the Interior (DOI), in response to litigation from environmental groups, is considering whether to list the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For the first time in the history of the ESA, the threat of global warming would be the reason for listing a well-known species. Given the ESA's sweeping powers, such a move would raise energy prices by putting an end to promising new oil and natural gas production in Alaska. Even more troubling, listing the polar bear could be used as a back door to implement global warming policy nationwide by restricting energy production and use throughout the U.S. This would obviously harm the economy and—considering the ESA's poor track record—could also harm the polar bears as well. The President should tell the DOI not to take this highly problematic step.

If there is one thing we can be sure of - lefties will push for laws by fiat - Judicial or bureaucratic when they cannot win in the courts of public opinion and democracy.

And the left claims to be for the people . . . . .

Hurricane Forecasters Reveal Limits of Climate Science

In August, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast an 85% probability there would be an "above normal" hurricane season.1

This was the second year running the government hurricane forecast was wrong. This 0-2 record may tell us something about other similarly "certain" forecasts, such as those issued by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

If forecasters can't get hurricane projections right in the middle of a hurricane season, updating data constantly, how can we trust their forecasts for a hundred years from now?

NOAA's forecast called for seven to nine hurricanes, three to five major hurricanes, and 13-16 named storms. According to the agency, the "normal" number of such storms is six hurricanes, two major hurricanes, and 11 named storms.2

There were six hurricanes during the season, only two of which were classified as "major," category three or more on the Saffir-Simpson scale.3

The sixth hurricane came only three days before the official end of the hurricane season when NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) quietly upgraded tropical storm Karen to hurricane status.4 The timing of the re-designation - at the moment hurricane season post-mortems were already running in newspapers throughout the country - may have struck some as a bit suspicious.

Political Science for Dummies

Political Science for Dummies

You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You feel guilty for being successful.

You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.

You have two cows.
The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.
You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.

You have two cows.
The government seizes both and provides you with milk.
You wait in line for hours to get it.
It is expensive and sour.

You have two cows.
You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.

You have two cows.
Under the new farm program the government pays you to shoot one, milk the other, and then pours the milk down the drain.

You have two cows.
You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one.
You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when one cow drops dead. You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have downsized and are reducing expenses.
Your stock goes up.

You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want three cows.
You go to lunch and drink wine.
Life is good.

You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded trains.
Most are at the top of their class at cow school.

You have two cows.
You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellent quality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour.
Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.

You have two cows but you don't know where they are.
While ambling around, you see a good looking man .
You break for lunch.
Life is good.

You have two cows.
You have some vodka.
You count them and learn you have five cows.
You have some more vodka.
You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.

You have all the cows in Afghanistan , which are two.
You don't milk them because you cannot touch any creature' s private parts.
You get a $40 million grant from the US government to find alternatives to milk production but u se the money to buy weapons.

You have two cows.
They go into hiding.
They send radio tapes of their mooing.

You have two bulls.
Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them.

You have one cow.
The cow is schizophrenic.
Sometimes the cow thinks he's French, other times he's Flemish.
The Flemish cow won't share with the French cow.
The French cow wants control of the Flemish cow's milk.
The cow asks permission to be cut in half.
The cow dies happy.

You have a black cow and a brown cow.
Everyone votes for the best looking one.
Some of the people who actually like the brown one best accidentally vote for the black one.
Some people vote for both.
Some people vote for neither.
Some people can't figure out how to vote at all.
Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which one you think is the best-looking cow.

You have millions of cows.
They make real California cheese.
Only five speak English.
Most are illegal.
Arnold likes the ones with the big udders.

A Pay Raise for Poor Performance

Members of Congress return to Washington this week $4,100 richer. During their three-week vacation, the annual cost-of-living adjustment kicked in, bringing the salary of a congressman to $169,300.

At a time when partisan bickering has dragged congressional approval ratings to just 25 percent, Democrats and Republican can agree on one thing: a pay raise for poor performance. Any American workers who had such dismal reviews would be fired. But in the case of lawmakers in Washington, it's business as usual.

Support for the pay raise was among the most bipartisan issues Congress grappled with last year. An attempt to block the automatic cost-of-living adjustment was defeated in June on a 244-to-181 vote; 99 Republicans joined 145 Democrats to back the 2.5 percent raise.

What came as a surprise, however, was that three of the top four House Republican leaders supported the pay hike; only Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, voted against it. The party that claims to protect taxpayers sent the message that members of Congress were looking out for themselves rather than the men and women they represent.

Friday, January 25, 2008

campus sells bathroom naming rights

The Brad Feld memorial bog?

It's an offer the University of Colorado couldn't flush away: A Boulder venture capitalist paid $25,000 for the naming rights to a bathroom in the Boulder campus' ATLAS building.

And so it is that the second-floor men's bathroom in the high-tech hub now has Brad Feld's name on it and a plaque with some words of wisdom from the donor: "The best ideas often come at inconvenient times. Don't ever close your mind to them."

We're that much closer to seeing it all now. Next stop? Memorial commodes!


Like sports? Wanna own a share of your favorite team or player(s)?

RSI is currently offering 4% of his future major league salary at the price of $50,000. RSI is selling shares of Randy Newsom for $20/Share through 2/1/08. 2,500 total shares will be sold.

Currently 2,500, 2,477, 2,437, 2,319 Shares available for purchase.

1 Share will lay claim to 0.0016% of Randy's future major league earnings.

Capitalism at work! :)

Chavez Moral Crusade

The left likes to pretend that it is the RIGHT that goes on moral crusades that attempt to limit the choice of others. MEANWHILE - it's the left that does it. Who was it who forced prohibition onto America? The PROGRESSIVES. Who is it who is pushing anti-smoking laws? Who is it who wants laws about what we can eat? Can anyone say TRANS-FATS? Look at leftist hero Hugo Chavez:

CARACAS, Venezuela --President Hugo Chavez is on a moral crusade in Venezuela, preaching against vices from alcohol to cholesterol, vowing to curb whiskey imports and ordering beer trucks off the street.

His government announced increased taxes on alcohol and tobacco on Monday, and Chavez also plans steep new taxes on luxury items such as fancy cars and artwork.

It's all part of Chavez's efforts to encourage Venezuelans to adopt the psyche of the "New Man," a socialist revolutionary with a monk-like purity of purpose. Chavez often cites the life of Cuba's iconic hero Ernesto "Che" Guevara as an ideal example -- and complains that many Venezuelans' values are not up to par.

But it's the right that wants to force social conformity on the left. ;) OH IRONY!

Chavez: Colombia Planning 'Aggression'

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Hugo Chavez on Friday accused Colombia and the United States of plotting a military "aggression" against Venezuela.

"A military aggression is being prepared from Colombia against Venezuela by the United States," Chavez said. He warned Colombia not to attempt "a provocation against Venezuela" and said his country would cut off all oil exports in the event of a military strike from the neighboring country.

Chavez did not offer evidence to support his claim. He has repeatedly accused the United States of plotting to oust him or kill him, though it was the first time he has accused Colombia's U.S.-allied government in such strident terms.

Funny. Chavez has nerve accusing others of aggression considering:

Perhaps any actions Colombia is taking are in direct reaction to the aggression he is showing towards his other neighbors.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

An Anti-Military Lawyer.

This guy gives lawyers a bad name.

He keys a Marine's car. He tries to use the system to get off.

Then Karma hits.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Five things not to do in the ER


1. Don't forget to call your doctor on the way to the ER

When ER doctors hear from a fellow physician, they listen, says Beiser at the University of Chicago. "They'll talk to me professionally and put a bug in my ear," he says. "This guy will now be on my radar screen."

2. Don't use an ambulance unless you really need it

"There's a myth out there that if you arrive in an ambulance, you'll go straight back to the doctor," Mason says. "But it's not true. If we can see that you can walk, you may get asked to get off that gurney and go to the waiting room."

3. Don't be quiet

If the triage nurse -- that's who makes the decisions about who needs care first -- isn't helping you, don't stop there, says Sayah. "Speak up. Say, 'I need to see the person in charge,'" he says.

4. Don't get angry, and don't lie

While it's important to make yourself heard, it's also important to use basic etiquette.

"We're all human, and usually when people are nice to us, we're nicer back to them," Sayah says.

Lying about your symptoms -- making them seem worse than they really are in hopes of getting attention faster -- can backfire, says Dr. William Bozeman, an emergency room doctor at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

"We have people saying they have crushing sub-sternal chest pain, that they're having a heart attack, when in reality they're trying to get Vicodin for chronic back pain," he says. When the staff figures it out, "They may not be very pleased at all and may not treat you nicely."


5. Don't forget the phone

If things get really bad, and no one is helping you, look for a house phone, dial zero, and ask for the hospital administrator on call, Sayah says. "Even the smallest hospitals have a hospital administrator or a patient advocate on call 24/7," he says. "Hospital administrators don't want to hear patients are unhappy. Their job is to break the hurdles and move forward."

Newsweek: 'The Economy Sucks'

Keep this in mind when you hear people bad mouthing the economy:

Recent reports from The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg indicated a majority of economists they surveyed think the economy will be spared of a recession. The Wall Street Journal indicated economists thought the economy had a 42-percent chance of experiencing a recession, and the Bloomberg survey indicated economists put the likelihood of a recession at only 40 percent.

Try not to miss the obvious agenda of the left leaning press as they cover economic issues in this election year. Watch as they paint Washington and the Federal Government as the saviors and the solution to the economic problems they are painting for us to consume.

150,000% inflation: The Lefts economic policy in action

Zimbabwe is the perfect example of leftist policies come to fruition. Redistribution of wealth - punishing the rich - and race based politics have bore the fruit of 150,000% inflation. What does that mean in real terms? The new $10,000,000 note is worth 2 British pounds on the black market. TWO POUNDS!! Bread and meat shortages have the cost of a burger at 15 Zimbabwe dollars. All of this thanks to the policies of leftist president Mugabe. So if you have any doubts what the results of the Democrats policies would be - check out Zimbabwe.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Terrorists? Not Us, Say Muslims

“The recent events have strengthened the prejudiced belief that ‘Islam is the religion of the sword,” said Ahmad who asserted that, “Islamophobia is not only a cause of discrimination against Muslims, but also an open threat to world peace.” The peace of the Middle East has once again been put in jeopardy by the instability of Pakistan. One might conclude that American and British troops are in Afghanistan because of an open threat to world peace posed by al Qaeda and the spread of Islamism, but not Ahmad.

So far as he was concerned, “There is not a single day when Islam and Muslims are not attacked by the mainstream news media outlets.” Apparently, reporting on Muslim atrocities around the world constitutes an attack. It is worth noting at this point that no Muslim community in America has suffered an attack and I cannot recall any reports of comparable attacks in England. Who, then, is afraid of another suicide bombing? American and British citizens who are not Muslim.

With considerable irony, on December 13th, a Federal judge in Miami declared a mistrial after a jury failed to reach a verdict in the trial of six men accused in 2006 of plotting to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago and several other government buildings. A seventh suspect was acquitted in what analysts describe as a setback for the U.S. government's domestic counterterrorism program. Jury selection for a retrial of the other six suspects will start next month. The group was described as being “inspired” by al Qaeda. A new trial will try to find a jury that will look at the overwhelming proof of their intentions.

Meanwhile, in England, according to Ahmad, “There is an undeclared World War III going on in the name of (the) War on Terrorism. The fact of the matter is that Islam is all peace and hence this war is (a) war of terrorism and not against terrorism.” A person has to be seriously deluded or making a serious effort to delude others to conclude that, “Islam is all peace.” Just consider the victims of Islamist attacks from Bali to London to New York, to name just a few places where Jihadists have killed people who were not at war with them.

:( it's frightening the way they think . . . . .

Southern states to gain seats after 2010 census

The 2008 election will hopefully prove to be a very interesting election cycle indeed. For the first time in decades the party candidates show signs of not being decided until the conventions. But that's only the first step in a rapidly changing election environment. The 2012 elections will be an even greater change from politics as usual. Shifting populations and demographics will change the landscape even further.

Fast-growing Southern states could gain nine new congressional seats after the 2010 census, largely at the expense of their neighbors to the north, judging from the latest government data.

Georgia and North Carolina's delegations in the U.S. House would overtake New Jersey's, for example, while Florida would catch up with New York, according to projections based on a July 2007 population snapshot released by the Census Bureau last month.

Texas would be the biggest gainer, while a handful of Western states such as Arizona and Nevada also could grab new seats.

As Americas population shift south away from the north east and great lakes regions - will red states turn blue? Or will the stay red and just have more electoral power and political sway? Only time will tell.

Thomas Sowell - right on target . . . . AGAIN!

Sowell in his latest column lands another knock out punch of reality on the vaunted sensibilities of the left.

Prior to 1970, California housing prices were very similar to housing prices in the rest of the country. In more recent times, it has not been uncommon for California homes to cost three times what homes cost nationwide.

BUY THE BOOK …/font>

at a discount
by clicking HERE.

What happened in the 1970s was that severe government restrictions on building became common in coastal California. With supply restricted and demand not restricted, it was inevitable that prices would soar beyond many people's ability to pay.

The main impetus behind severe restrictions on building is environmentalist zealots who demand that vast amounts of land be set aside as "open space" on which nothing can be built.

It is not uncommon for substantial proportions of all the land in an entire county — sometimes more than half — to be set aside as "open space."

Environmentalists often talk as if they are trying to save the last few patches of greenery from being paved over, when in fact 90 percent of the land in the United States is undeveloped and forests alone cover more area than all the cities and towns in the country combined.

Behind much of the lofty and pretty talk are some ugly and selfish realities.

People who already own their homes in an upscale community pay no price for making it hard for others to move into their community. On the contrary, the value of the homes they already own shoots up when they restrict the supply of new homes.

In other words, they can keep out the less affluent people — or, as they put it, "preserve the character of the community" — while benefiting themselves economically in the name of green idealism.

Rest assured that these elitist communities are always enclaves of leftist idealism. The Democratic party holds sway and the party of the people once again shows which people they are for. Afordable housing is needed - just nowhere near them.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Short term casualty increases - Long term victory.

Michel Yon of in his newsletter to subscribers has stated:

There have been tremendous changes in Iraq over the past year. Folks who are tracking the war might notice an upsurge in US casualties over the next couple of months. Al Qaeda is on the ropes in Iraq and suffering strategically due to operations at this time. These operations will likely lead to an increase in our own losses in the short term. My advice would be this: Do not despair if you see our casualties increase in January and February. Our forces are in hot pursuit and I plan to be back there with them soon. (Contingent on Army blessings.)

Progress in Iraq is clear and palpable, but is of course tenuous. We can do well there if we listen to those commanders on the ground who know what they are doing, and if we do not let politicians unravel the growing strategic progress for short term political gains.

So when the media starts trotting out increased casualty numbers - remember how silent they have been regarding the success of the surge and remember that this is an election year. If there is one thing that Al Queda has learned from the left is how to use the media during an election year to make their case for them.

Veteran Washington Correspondent Blames Bloggers for Iraq War.

“What I really worry about is that I think the bloggers and everyone, everyone with a laptop thinks they’re journalists,” Thomas said. “And, they certainly don’t have our standards. They don’t have our ethics, and so forth. There’s a deterioration, reporters laid down on the job in the run up to this [the Iraq] war.”

The scariest thing about this comment is that she is lamenting that the power to influence minds and hearts is with the people. She laments that the press are losing the hegemony on release and dissemination of information. A confessed liberal - this old woman has masqueraded as an objective journalist for way too long. People need to recognize her for what she is - a partisan hack.

Bloomberg TV anchor appears on CBS only offering worst predictions in survey, ignoring the majority

Bloomberg TV anchor Deirdre Bolton appeared on CBS’s January 9 “The Early Show” to report on a survey Bloomberg conducted January 3-8. The Bloomberg survey found that the majority of the economists weren’t completely pessimistic, but Bolton reported it differently.

“[W]ell, as you said the economy certainly is front and center,” Bolton said. “And in fact in the latest survey of Bloomberg economists, economists putting the odds of developing a recession at about 40 percent. Jay Bryson – he’s a global economist at Wachovia – he says we are skating on the edge of recession, but it’s all going to come down to the consumer. Another economist that we spoke with said that consumers right now are really hanging on by their fingernails. And of course it’s not really a surprise.”

However, that’s not exactly how Bloomberg reported this survey on its Web site. In an article headlined “U.S. Will Escape Recession, Economists Say in Survey,” the outlook accentuated a “softening” of the economy, not a recession.

Lets not forget that this is an election year and when it comes to the media - they will do what ever they can to make the republicans look bad and the democrats look like the saviors of the world.

What media Bias?

Go to google and type in Will Smith Hitler and read the headlines that pop up. Personally I find it disgusting. All of the headlines that pop up make the claim that Smith believes Hitler to be a good person - except that that is not the case. Look at the full quote -

"Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'let me do the most evil thing I can do today.' I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backward logic, he set out to do what he thought was good."

And in this case - Smith is right. Hitler was not waking up every morning with the thought in his head - what's the most evil thing I can do today!? The way that the press has twisted his words to make a story out of a non-story is not only disgusting but pathetic. How many other cases of this get past us on a day to day basis?

Friday, January 11, 2008


Is there any other Conservative choice? No.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ingrained in Culture of 'Liquor Country'

Few people realize how prevalent and important home brew alcohol was in the times of our founding fathers. How many people would be surprised to learn that George Washington owned and operated a still - and he was not the only one!

"All the people who settled this region came with a distilling history, if you will," said Vaughan Webb, assistant director of the Blue Ridge Institute and Museum at Ferrum College near Rocky Mount. The institute has become known as the "moonshine museum" because a current exhibit, "White Liquor, Blue Ridge Style," is its most popular ever.

"People try to portray us as country bumpkins, but we're proud of being rednecks, and we're proud of the craft of making liquor," said Linda Stanley, the fast-talking special projects coordinator for the Franklin County Historical Society. "Around here, people still talk about the War Between the States, they still talk about making apple butter and they still talk about moonshine."

The society sponsors an annual Moonshine Express tour.

By the 1990s, authorities were seizing 10 to 15 large liquor stills a year in Franklin and neighboring counties. Although the crackdown has reduced that number to a few each year, ABC agents and some locals said the industry is coming back. "Moonshine is all over. They make it up in the mountains, in trailers, everywhere," said John Wilson, a lifelong Franklin County resident.

Like other residents, Wilson said he loves moonshine because with no federal or state taxes, it's cheaper than some store-bought liquor, and the raw, firelike taste is distinctive. He also had kind words for Smith, saying that the government should leave him alone. "What's the big deal? It's just some people getting drunk," Wilson said.

And here we find the key - Wilson said he loves moonshine because with no federal or state taxes, it's cheaper. Like the wiskey rebels of Western Pennsylvania over 200 years ago - many people have never grown friendly with regards to the TAXES our government levies on everything.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Murdoch Picks Liberal Son As Successor

Sean Hannity, the conservative Republican commentator who takes on such controversial issues as Hillary Clinton's legal work in a communist law firm, could be on his way out of the Fox News Channel as a result of Rupert Murdoch's decision to turn the company over to his liberal son James.

James Murdoch, 34, who buys into global warming hysteria, has in recent days been labeled the "News Corporation Heir" and "Son King" because of changes in the company that have dramatically increased his power. The Fox News Channel is one part of Murdoch's News Corporation.

While James Murdoch is based in London and is now being given control of News Corp's business in Europe and Asia, he is scheduled to take control of U.S. operations when Peter Chernin, the president of News Corporation who is based in New York, steps down. Chernin is himself a prominent Democrat.

Amazing. The evil conservative biased Fox News has a prominent dem as a president. The evil Fox news is being turned over to another leftie. So is it Peter Chernin that gets his marching orders from the Bush White House? Or will James Murdoch be the one?

Hey GOP: Cheer Up, Chin Up!

Why are Republicans so depressed? President Bush's two-term presidency enters its last year in pretty good shape and with a lot better record than pundits would have us believe. The Democrats took Congress in 2006, but they appear to have blown their chance, with approval ratings at historical lows. The Republican presidential candidates are solid, especially compared to the Democrats. President Bush has built the foundation of what could be a Republican dynasty for another American Century. The greatest threat to that prospect has nothing to do with the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy. The Republicans have nothing to fear but a discouraged Republican base.

While the man has a point - the republican base needs something to energize it and so far - it is NOT the the primaries. :(


With all the talk of potential third party bids - I found this bid to be the most compelling.

Mr. Fillmore, you turned 208 today. Some people are concerned about your age. Can you comment on that?

Actually, I believe that John McCain may be older.

Second Reporter:
Mr. President, Mrs. Clinton has been slipping in the polls, do you have an opinion?

Would that be Mrs. DeWitt Clinton? Oh, you probably mean the former first lady. Well, I'm not entirely certain. I would like to invite her to visit New York State so we could talk.

During recent primary debates, much has been made of candidates changing positions on the issues...

I have heard that. You can check my record. You will find I have not changed a position in well over 100 years.

Second Reporter:
Mr. President, there's nothing in your record on your views on same sex marriage. Will you comment?

I was married twice, both times to a person of the same sex... a female.... and it seemed appropriate to me....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Woman artist gets death threats over gay Muslim photos

Speaking on the telephone from an unspecified location in the Netherlands last week, the artist, an Iranian exile who goes by the pseudonym of Sooreh Hera, said she had been threatened with “execution”. She accused the director of the municipal museum in The Hague of cowardice for caving in to Muslim extremists.

Her story is a reminder of the tensions that have put the Netherlands and other European countries on the front line, sending dozens of people threatened by extremists into hiding since 2004, when a Dutch film-maker was murdered on the street and his collaborator driven into exile.

This leaves Hera, 34, in no doubt that she is in real danger. “They said to me, ‘We’re going to burn you naked or put a bullet in your mouth’,” she said, referring to menacing e-mails.

“They say, ‘Now you are locked in your home and you cannot go out any more’.

Once again - the muslim answer to anything the do not like? Death threats. As long as this mentality is the face of Islam - there can be no peaceful coexistence.

We need to stop pretending that these incidents are isolated and extreme. While We can be sure that not all muslims - and definitely only a minority of muslims in the west - and possibly only a minority of muslims world wide think and act this way, we must also recognize that these kinds of threats are the public face of islam.

The Republican Debate in New Hampshire - TRANSCRIPT

Paul comes off as an idiot - again. Huckabee and Romney are on the defensive - but as usual, Thompson gave answers to make me glad I support him.

Thompson On Illegal Immigration:

[Y]ou can have enforcement by attrition if you obey the law and you enforce the law that's on the books today. If we started securing the border as we're supposed to do -- and we're all in agreement that it must be done now. I mean, we arrest thousands over the years of people from countries that are state sponsors of terrorism. I mean, it's essentially a national security issue as well as an issue of fairness, as well as a social issue with regard to what states and communities have to face nowadays and workers who are in competition with this.

If we enforce the borders so people couldn't go back and forth, if we assisted employers with a system that we now have on the books, that 20(,000)-30,000 employers now are using, a verification system -- so you could essentially punch a button, the Homeland Security folks will tell you whether or not this person is illegal on the front end -- and if we -- and if we stop sanctuary cities, where we're telling the local people that you can't cooperate with the federal authorities, so -- and stop inducing people to come here with employment and protection under sanctuary cities, as Mayor Giuliani did when he was mayor of New York, then we would have -- we would have attrition of these numbers and start reversing them.

Thompson on Change:

Everyone has kind of a wish list. I think it's most important, though, that a president of the United States understand that our principles -- our first principles are based on the Constitution of the United States, understanding the nature of our government, the checks and the balances, the separation of powers that our founding fathers set up a long time ago. There's a reason for that. They knew about human nature. They learned from the wisdom of the ages. They set the government up according to that.

They set the powers out in the Constitution of the federal government and they basically said, "If the powers aren't delineated in this document, they don't exist." And then we got the 10th Amendment that says if they're not delineated, they belong to the people and to the states. That's fundamental to everything else. And then we grew from that principles, such as a dollar belongs in the pocket of the person that earned it unless the government can make a case that it can spend it better; you don't spend money that you don't have; and you certainly don't spend your grandchildren's money with debt that they're not at the table when the decision has been made to spend it.

Thompson on Energy Independence:

You know, the oil price basically is a function -- or a result of supply and demand. We can throw rocks at each other and we can demagogue the issue and all that, and of course, there's plenty of it.

But getting back to your original question, Charlie, I mean, nobody knows what the price of oil is going to be in the future, but I think you can make a good case that it's going to be -- it's going to be very high. Because it's not just us. The Chinese are demanding more oil, going around the world and making all kinds of deals with dictators and causing all kinds of other problems because of it. India. There are a lot of growing economies out there. And that's the world we live in for the immediate future. We're not going to be energy independent in a few years.

Now, we have to be more diversified. We're getting too much oil from trouble spots in the world. Everybody knows about the Middle East. Everybody knows about Chavez in Venezuela. And we're just too dependent on the wrong kinds of people. And we need to do all the things that John mentioned -- as I recall the things he mentioned, plus cleaner coal technology plus using the oil reserves that we have here in this country, and nuclear, more nuclear.

But -- but, you know, we are not -- you know, we're not a nation that regulates the profits or the losses of -- of our economy. We want people refining that oil and we want people -- and there hasn't been a refinery built here in a long time in this country. And we want -- we want the oil to flow. We need for it to flow right now, while we work our way into a more diversified situation.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Election Study Finds Media Hit Hillary Hardest

Obama, Huckabee Fare Best;
FOX Is Most Balanced (not a typo)

Who’s Fair and Balanced?: Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49% positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties.

On the three broadcast networks, opinion on Democratic candidates split 47% positive vs. 53% negative, while evaluations of Republicans were more negative – 40% positive vs. 60% negative. For both parties combined, network evaluations were almost 3 to 2 negative in tone, i.e. 41% positive vs. 59% negative.

BUT BUT BUT . . . . FOX NEWS IS BIASED!!! EBIL! I guess the rhetoric of the left falls short . . . . . AGAIN.

FBI Aims For World's Largest Biometrics Database

$1 Billion Project to Include Images of Irises and Faces

By Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 22, 2007; Page A01

CLARKSBURG, W. Va. -- The FBI is embarking on a $1 billion effort to build the world's largest computer database of peoples' physical characteristics, a project that would give the government unprecedented abilities to identify individuals in the United States and abroad.

If this story doesn't scare you nothing will. And now - thanks to the wonderful state of Pennsylvania and their bogus claim of protecting our children - my prints are now a part of that database. Here comes BIG BROTHER! and he's watching you!

Death Penalty for Child Rape Gets High Court Review

Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to decide whether a Louisiana man can be executed for raping his 8- year-old stepdaughter in a case that tests the constitutionality of the death penalty for crimes other than murder.

The justices today said they will hear an appeal by Patrick Kennedy, who contends his execution would violate the constitutional ban on ``cruel and unusual punishment.'' The Louisiana Supreme Court in May said Kennedy's death sentence could be carried out.

Kennedy, 44, would be the first person executed in the U.S. for rape since 1964. Of the 36 states that have the death penalty, Louisiana is one of five that explicitly permit execution of people convicted of raping a child.

There is a growing trend in America towards allowing the death penalty for cases of Child rape even as the general trend is against the death penalty as a whole. This Louisiana case will test laws for death penalty other than murder.

These kinds of issues should make it clear how very important it is to elect a president who will appoint constructionist judges to the federal courts.

Party of the Common Man?

Top groups contributing - TODATE - to the Democratic party and democratic candidates include:

1. ACTBLUE - $5,404,866

2. Goldman Sachs - $1,541,008

3. Citigroup Inc - $1,257,278

4. Operating Engineers Union - $1,224,833

5. Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - $1,078,700.7

6. JP Morgan Chase & Co - $1,015,399

7. Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union - $986,490

8. Morgan Stanley - $942,359

9. Laborers Union - $888,569

10. UBS AG - $831,390

How does a coalition of big Finance and Big labor represent the common man?

A look at the big donors also shows that the BIG money contributors are giving strongly democratic. Of Donors giving more than $95,000 - 69% are giving to democrats while only 7% are giving to republicans. Of those giving more than $10,000 - 61% to Dems while 34% is going to republicans. had TONS of fascinating statistics on trends as well as information on who gives the most to whom. Take the TOP all time giver - any one care to wager on who gives the most money during elections and to whom? Have a peek. Interesting isn't it.

Looking at the top 10 donors from 1990 - present how many people would be surprised to see that 6 of the top 10 gave almost exclusively to the democratic party? Of the remaining 4 how many gave similarly to republicans? NONE. SEE

Email Reveals Dem Corruption.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

HARRISBURG -- E-mail messages exchanged by top aides in the Democratic caucus starting in 2004 make clear that taxpayer-funded bonuses were given to legislative employees for their work on election campaigns.

The messages, obtained by the Post-Gazette, are a key component in an investigation by Attorney General Tom Corbett into the bonuses and whether they constituted an illegal use of state money for political work.

The corruption in Harrisburg knows no limits. It's time to throw them ALL out and start fresh.

Friday, January 4, 2008

GUILTY until proven innocent

Thanks again PA GOP.

The PA GOP just released this ad:

I'd like to take this time to say:

Thanks PA GOP for treating each and every person who wants to teach like a criminal. Your FBI clearance scam pretending that it protects our kids cracks me up! If you really want to protect our kids you'll lock these bastards up and throw away the keys.

This FBI clearance scam only serves to line the pockets of someone somewhere - to BUILD the governments BIG BROTHER biometric data base - and to treat INNOCENT people like criminals by putting a financial and legal burden on innocent people to PROVE that they ARE innocent. These FBI clearances don't keep child molesters out of the schools at best they protect schools from lawsuits by parents by giving them the chance to claim due diligence at the innocent persons expense.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Be Wise on Kosovo

Over the past few months a number of Western leaders, including senior United States figures, have lent their support to separating the province of Kosovo from the Republic of Serbia, based on the fact that a majority of the inhabitants in the province, ethnic Albanians, wishes this to be done.

What on EARTH are these people thinking supporting an issue like this?? The very last thing in the world we should be supporting is breaking of a chunk of a country because an ethnic minority has moved in and taken over. Shall we break of Miami and make it independent because of the Cubans? Maybe Detroit with all of the muslims? What about the boarder states with the masses of illegal Mexicans?

Why Mrs. Bhutto had to die

It seems that sound bites have become welcome substitutes for substance in the MSM. Thankfully - the left no longer control all of the media and there are interesting bits of the story getting out:

The long-term plan of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1990s was to eventually spread to Pakistan and seize power, and, ultimately after 1999, to seize the nukes, too. Miscalculating on September 11, Osama bin Laden lost Kabul and the jihadi war room crossed into their eastern neighbor. Plan B was then to seize Waziristan and gradually Talibanize the country, grabbing the "doomsday" devices in the end. For the last seven years, the jihadi hydra protected by the fundamentalist tribes, hooking up with the local Islamist movements and with tentacles deep inside the defense and intelligence apparatus, attempted to spread in that direction. President Pervez Musharraf, unable to determine the extent of radical influence in his own services, moved slowly and reluctantly on the containment strategies. This lost time resulted in several assassination attempts and allowed a widening of the jihadi networks in the country. Reacting to the breach of national security, he tightened the rope on the opposition, frustrating his secular opponents and alienating the nation's Supreme Court.
On a lighter note - it seems that Hillary seems to be operating under the delusion that Bhutto was running against Musharraf!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Go Directly To Jihad, Do Not Pass Gitmo

Here are the facts:

(1) a large number, perhaps a majority, of GTMO detainees have already been released; and

(2) a good number of those have returned to their deadly jihadi ways, where by their own words "jihad" means "we will attack them in the US and Britain until they either accept Islam or agree to pay jizya."

And now there is a connection to the Bhutto assassination.


Interesting that this connection seems to be largely overlooked by the MSM. Gitmo is necessary and doing it's job well.