Thursday, March 27, 2008

Leftist Logic!

Thanks Again to Nancy for this little tidbit:

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.

I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it."

Sen. Barack Obama

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


A grandmother I know sent me the link to this - and I can tell you, she'd have one if they made it. :) I know plenty of people who would agree.


(thanks Nancy!)

Air safety proposal: shock-bracelets


Lamperd, a "firearm training system" company, has patented a bracelet that delivers debilitating shocks when remotely triggered. Their killer app for this is aviation safety: they're proposing that the TSA could force everyone who flies to wear one of these and then flight-attendants could zap us into a stupor if we turn out to be Al Quaeda.

I'd like to see these put into classrooms and on school buses and . . . .

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Their idiocy is showing more than usual with this protest.

Zombie time has once again done a wonderful joy documenting the idiocy of the left. Make sure you read the whole story -

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yet another study linking religious beliefs to happiness

Enquiring minds would, however, enjoy knowing where in Europe they FOUND enough religious people to make up a statistically significant sample. Aside from those whose religion causes them to get angry, strap bombs on themselves, and fly into many pieces, of course.


Divisive. (dĭ-vī'sĭv)


Creating dissension or discord.

devEYEsive. Stress on the second syllable AND note that it is an I (EYE) sound. Would someone please tell Sen. Obama who had the nerve to make fun of the ACCENT of President Bush and how he said Nuclear - that his pseudo intellectual pronunciation of divisive is far worse. EVEN THE BRITISH say DivEYEsive.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I hope that I am not the only person to notice that what was a non-issue for the press a while ago has suddenly become an issue in the press - specifically the issue of Obama's FORMER pastor?

Anyone wondering why it was not worth covering when he first announced - but it IS worth covering now? Anyone notice that when Obama first announced the man was actively the pastor of Trinity Church - but now that the man has retired from that role (February 10, 2008) it's okay to cover this issue now?

Dig a little deeper.

Where is the press coverage and the difficult questions being asked of Obama about Mr. Rezko? The whole Wright story became okay to cover ONLY AFTER Mr. Rezko found himself on trial for corruption. Where are the probing questions about Sen. Obama's ties to a man on trial corruption? A man who was a fundraiser for Sen. Obama. A man who helped Sen. Obama purchase his current residence. A man who is currently on trial for influence pedaling.

Oh he's faced and taken some minorly difficult questions from the local Chicago press - but have any of the Major outlets addressed this issue?

The Dowager Duchess Holds Forth

As we were invited to make pithy pronouncements of a political nature on this blog, we shall, from time to time, hold forth upon those subjects which interest us. We invite comments, and do give fair warning that the cane we use is not merely for show, but is, in fact, a useful means of getting our point across. As soon, that is, as we have something to say...

Try not to laugh

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Ten Worst Teachers Contest! NOMINATE NOW!


and nominate those who you believe to be the WORST teacher currently working. Here's a chance to get that truly awful teacher the national exposure he or she so richly deserves!

Are Your Kids Getting High Legally?

Are you aware that a plant you may be growing in your flowerbeds might be getting your kids high? Are you aware that it is still currently legal?


Called nicknames like Sally-D, Magic Mint and Diviner's Sage, salvia has proliferated on the Internet and at college-area paraphernalia shops.

It is usually sold as dried leaves in various degrees of potency. Salvia causes hallucinations, a perception of overlapping realities and a loss of body, dizziness and impaired speech, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration says on its website.

Unlike hallucinogens like LSD or PCP, however, salvia's effects last for a shorter time, generally up to an hour.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Venezuela - state sponsor of terrorism

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has apparently been funding the Naro-terrorist group FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) - a Marxist front group with ties to Castro's Cuba. Latin American expert Humberto Fontova claims that a computer recovered during Columbia's cross boarder raid on a FARC camp in Ecuador contains information which contains evidence that Hugo Chavez has been funding the terrorist group - a commitment of MILLIONS of Dollars.

The ties between Chavez and FARC run deep. In the 1990s when Chavez was running for president of Venzuela it was known that he was being financed in part by FARC. Alejandro Peña Esclusa reports in an open letter to President Uribe of Columbia that Chavez was a close personal friend of the terrorist leader slain in the March 1 raid.

Further evidence of the ties the Chavez government has to the narco-terroist group has come to light in Venezuela. Joaquin Gomez, appointed to replace Raul Reyes the FARC second in command who was slain in the Coumbian raid, is being treated in a private clinic (NOTE THAT IT IS A PRIVATE CLINIC) and is being guarded by the Venezuelan military.

Given the growing list of evidence connecting the Chavez regime with Terrorist groups like FARC, it should come as no big surprise that Lawmakers are attempting to have Venezuela added to the list of state sponsors of Terrorism.

Monday, March 10, 2008

There's a name for that?

The name of the phenomena that revenues increase when taxes are cut is called the Laffer Curb.

Global Warming Concensus

Ever wonder why none of these people who claim "consensus" on global warming provide surveys or other information about their claim?

Probably because it's as true as the fact that people cause global warming.

The expert jury is divided, with 26 per cent attributing global warming to human activity like burning fossil fuels and 27 per cent blaming other causes such as volcanoes, sunspots, earth crust movements and natural evolution of the planet.

That's a survey of actual scientists.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Osama bin London and British Terror Training Camps

Osama bin London and British Terror Training Camps

Adrian Morgan

On Tuesday February 26th, after a trial lasting more than four months, it was announced that five men were found guilty of partaking in terror training on UK soil. The leader of the group, Mohammed Hamid, called himself "Osama bin London." Before his arrest, Hamid had boasted to his followers that he had been organizing terror training camps in Britain for 13 years.

Hamid was found guilty by a jury at Woolwich Crown Court of three counts of "soliciting to murder" and three counts of providing terrorist training. He was found not guilty on two other counts of soliciting murder and not guilty of providing training in weaponry. He was also found not guilty of possessing a document containing information useful to a terrorist.

Four others were on trial with him. After 22 days of deliberation, a jury found three of these individuals – Kibley Da Costa, Muhammad al-Figari and Kader Ahmed – guilty of attending terror training camps in Britain. 41-year-old property developer Mousa Brown was found not guilty, and was freed from custody.

Reporting restrictions were lifted when the sentences were announced. It was then revealed that two of Osama bin London's followers, Muhammad Kyriacou, 19, and Yassin Mutegombwa, 23, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to attending the training camps at a separate hearing. Under Section 6 (1) of the Terrorism Act 2006, receiving training in terrorism is illegal. Kyriacou and Mutegombwa, who both came from south London, were both given a three year and five month jail sentence. Mutegombwa's 18-year-old brother Hassan was convicted at an earlier trial of seeking funds for terrorism training overseas while at one of the camps run by "Osama bin London," and was given a 10-year jail sentence.

Has anyone seen this in the MSM yet?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Obama Nafta Memo

I thought that he was going to bring "change" - how exactly does THIS mess qualify as change?

Obama under fire over Nafta memo

By Andrew Ward in Washington

Published: March 3 2008 23:50 | Last updated: March 3 2008 23:55

A senior adviser to Barack Obama told the Canadian government that the Democratic presidential frontrunner’s campaign rhetoric on free trade should be viewed as “political positioning”, according to a leaked memo.

The memo provided the first firm evidence to support week-old allegations that the Obama campaign issued private reassurances to Canada while publicly criticising the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).

So does the fact that this got leaked qualify as change? OR maybe it's the fact that a democrat is now on the record - albeit against his will - saying more or less that NAFTA was a good thing? It kills me that people do not realize how much business and how many jobs NAFTA has brought to America. Oh the low skill high wage union jobs are heading south where the unions have no sway - but I still don't see how that is a bad thing.

Friday, March 7, 2008


So everyone knows about the NYTimes non-story about the affair between John McCain and a certain lobbyist that turned out to be more insinuation than fact and how the pundits spun the story afterwards to make it about McCain and the influence peddling of lobbyists - but the pressing question in my mind at least - was WHY? Why go with a story that was custom made to accomplish exactly nothing given that McCain was their choice of Republican candidates and the fact that he had the nomination all but sealed . . . . What did they hope to accomplish with this non-story?

Enter Tony Rezko - personal friend of Barach Obama and Democratic fundraiser who just so happens to be on trial for what? INFLUENCE PEDDLING. Seems that Mr. Rezko - a Chicago entrepreneur and restaurateur - who toured Sen. Obama's Chicago Mansion with him before the purchase was made - and seems to have laundered the money which bought said mansion and his wife bought the plot of land next door and the sold him a 10 foot strip of land so that Mr. Obama could have a bigger garden - at a very DEEP discount.

How much coverage by the MSM have you seen of this issue? Do a search of New York Times and the names of the two parties and mansion on google and check out the results. The McCain story is going to be drug out by the leftist media during the general election any time they need to distract from Obama's connections to Mr. Rezko. Never mind that there is no truth to the McCain story - and TONS to the Rezko story. Since when did the facts matter to the NYTimes or the rest of the MSM? The impression will stand amongst the democratic base that McCain is guilty because the story was in the Times.

The McCain/Lobbyist Scandal - The REAL Reason It Was A Story

So everyone knows about the NYTimes non-story about the affair between John McCain and a certain lobbyist that turned out to be more insinuation than fact and how the pundits spun the story afterwards to make it about McCain and the influence peddling of lobbyists - but the pressing question in my mind at least - was WHY? Why go with a story that was custom made to accomplish exactly nothing given that McCain was their choice of Republican candidates and the fact that he had the nomination all but sealed . . . . What did they hope to accomplish with this non-story?

Enter Tony Rezko - personal friend of Barach Obama and Democratic fundraiser who just so happens to be on trial for what? INFLUENCE PEDDLING. Seems that Mr. Rezco - a Chicago entrepreneur and restaurateur - who toured Sen. Obama's Chicago Mansion with him before the purchase was made - and seems to have laundered the money which bought said mansion and his wife bought the plot of land next door and the sold him a 10 foot strip of land so that Mr. Obama could have a bigger garden - at a very DEEP discount.

How much coverage by the MSM have you seen of this issue? Do a search of New York Times and the names of the two parties and mansion on google and check out the results. The McCain story is going to be drug out by the leftist media during the general election any time they need to distract from Obama's connections to Mr. Resko. Never mind that there is no truth to the McCain story - and TONS to the Resko story. Since when did the facts matter to the NYTimes or the rest of the MSM? The impression will stand amongst the democratic base that McCain is guilty because the story was in the Times.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The man can not give a substantive answer to ANY question!

Boxers or Briefs? A rather ubiquitous question that is asked of most every "rock star" sooner or later. And how does the Democratic rock star answer?

I don't answer those humiliating questions. But whichever one it is, I look good in 'em!

Thanks for the hard answer Mr. Obama. Do you need another pillow?

Obama's Proposed Spending Now Tops $300 Billion

Change is right. If we elect Obama - Change is all we'll have left in our piggy banks! The man proposed adding $300+ BILLION to the budget - that despite pledges to gut the military and spend all of the national defense budget on handouts as well. Where will all of this money come from? If you think it's just going to come out of your neighbors pockets - you're sadly mistaken.

In late January NTUF provided cost estimates -- based on hard data -- for more than 450 of the major candidates' proposals that would affect the federal budget (at that time eight candidates were studied). NTUF assumed the most conservative cost estimates of federal outlays based on a variety of sources, including the candidates' own projections; summaries from the Congressional Budget Office, Congressional Research Service, and the White House Office of Management and Budget; and results from equivalent legislation from NTUF's BillTally cost accounting system. Among the latest findings:

* Since January 29, Barack Obama has outlined 34 additional policies that could have an impact on the federal budget (some are new proposals while others are expansions of existing proposals). These items add $20.3 billion in annualized spending to Obama's $287.0 billion total that NTUF originally calculated.
* Among Obama's larger new initiatives are a "National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank" ($6 billion), a New Orleans Hurricane Protection System ($1.6 billion), and a new "Universal Mortgage Credit" (the refundable portion of which could raise outlays by $4.4 billion).

I love how we're going to pay for New Orleans for a THIRD time if Obama gets his way. Not only did we pay for the levies to be built right the first time - but they weren't thanks to the New Orleans government - but we have had to pay for the clean up and rebuilding the city on the same spot where it WILL be flooded again - the question is only one of WHEN not IF - but now he wants us to shell out $1.6 BILLION for a prevention system?? I'd rather cast my vote for Slick Willy for the office of emperor of earth for life.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bill Buckley and the Jews

Was there any major American personality in the last half-century who seemed more remote from the sensibilities of most American Jews than William F. Buckley?

Buckley, who passed away last week at the age of 83, was the fervent Catholic patrician whose work helped create the modern American conservative movement in the 1950s at a time when nothing could have been more removed from the thinking of most Jews in this country than his National Review. . . .

[T]he fact that as much as any other person, Bill Buckley cleared the way not only for a conservative movement where Jews would be welcomed, but that it was his leadership that set the stage for an American politics in which anti-Semitism was confined to the fever swamps of the far right and far left.

As conservative columnist George Will has written, without National Review, which Buckley started in 1955, much of what followed in American politics - including Barry Goldwater's capture of the Republican nomination for president in 1964 and then the electoral victories of Ronald Reagan and the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 - is unimaginable. American conservatism as we have known it, with all of its subsequent ups and downs, has its origins in the pages of that magazine in which its editor helped create a coherent movement out of what had previously been a loose array of cranks.

In order to give life to that movement, Buckley specifically chose to rid its ranks of people who espoused the sort of anti-Semitism that once was inescapable on the American right.

A refershing and enlightening view of William F. Buckley. I'm glad to have read it - I hope you read all of it too.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The 1st Honest Democratic Debate this cycle. The 2nd One Too!

Trial begins of former Chicago Obama fund-raiser

Has anyone seen this on the news?

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A friend and fund-raiser to U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama went on trial on Monday in a case that has directed scrutiny at the often corrupt political culture of the candidate's adopted home state.

Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a property developer and restaurant entrepreneur, is accused by federal prosecutors of extorting bribes and campaign donations as well as money laundering.

Prince Harry hails real heroes of Afghanistan

Hats off to Harry for being real, being honest, and standing up for what is right. I love that in a interview he says that his experience in Afghanistan is the high point of his life.

The lack of a smile said it all. Head bowed and still dressed in dusty desert combat clothing, the young Prince cut a forlorn­figure as he descended the steps of the aircraft after landing at RAF Brize Norton late yesterday morning.

While many of the other 170 servicemen and women might have cheered as the RAF Tristar touched down, Cornet Wales - who craved the anonymity that came with serving in Afghanistan - was left to ponder what might have been.

Just 48 hours earlier Prince Harry was having the "happiest time of his life" serving as an Army officer on operations close to the former Taliban stronghold of Musa Qala.

Chavez: Colombia has become the Israel of Latin America

You've gotta love how he brings Israel into this mess. Columbia ENDS a known terrorist and drug runner - and Venezuela and Ecuador get their noses out of joint?

Chavez: Colombia has become the Israel of Latin America

Venezeuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops on Sunday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pushing South
America to the brink of war and likening it to Israel for its U.S.-backed
attacks on militants.

Chavez called Colombian President Alvaro Uribe a criminal and branded his government a terrorist state, over the killing of a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil.

"The Colombian government has become the Israel of Latin America," an agitated Chavez said, reiterating his criticism of the Israel Defense Forces' strikes on Palestinian militants.

"We aren't going to permit Colombia to become the Israel of these lands. ... Uribe, we aren't going to permit you."

Denouncing Colombia's slaying of the rebel commander in a cross-border raid into Ecuador, Chavez said Venezuela would respond militarily if Colombia violates its border.

So . . . . what he's saying is . . . . Columbia we are not going to let you fight your enemies. We are going to harbor and support them and send them home to harry and harass you until you let them win.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Obama's "Defense" Policy?

Just in case you missed it he said:

“I’m the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning.
And as president, I will end it.
I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.
I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.
I will not weaponize space.
I will slow our development of future combat systems.
And I will institute an independent defense review board to endure that the quadrennial defense review is not used to justify unnecessary spending.
I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons.
To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons.
I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material.
And I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICMBs off hair-trigger alert
and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear program.”