Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Welp, Obama has made a MUCH MUCH worse Gaff - a president and a presidential candidate should at the very least NEVER make this mistake:
Don't hold your breathe waiting for extensive press coverage of this incident in the press.
Pelosi in hot water
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., soon may be facing ethics charges from the Federal Elections Commission for a television commercial that apparently violated federal campaign finance laws.
The "We Campaign" advertisement features Pelosi and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican, sitting on a sofa and declaring that though they disagree about many things, they agree on climate change. The commercial was paid for by the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non-profit group founded by Al Gore and funded in part by his 2007 Nobel Prize.
According to a formal complaint filed by Judicial Watch, a foundation that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, the commercial is, in effect, a campaign contribution, since it was funded by Gore's Alliance and aired in Pelosi's San Francisco district less than a month before her June 3 contested primary.
I thought it was only republicans who had ethics issues . . . .