Monday, December 24, 2007

Mugshot of a Murderer

FP: Patrick X. Coyle, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Coyle: Thanks for the opportunity.

FP: Tell us about the “Victims of Che” poster. Who devised the idea and what occasion helped launch it? (To view the poster, click here.)

Coyle: Young America’s Foundation president Ron Robinson, came up with the idea, and we then worked with Humberto Fontova, author of Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him, to secure the photos that are used in the poster. All of the photographs used are of individuals who were murdered by Che and the Cuban regime.

We decided to launch the poster in conjunction with Freedom Week 2007. Each year Young America's Foundation helps students mark the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and Veterans Day with activities that remind students of the failures of progressive ideas and how to honor those who have died protecting our freedom. We sent copies of this poster, free of charge, to more than 120 campuses participating in Freedom Week to expose the real Che Guevara.

FP: Che is obviously an icon on American campuses. What reaction did you get when the posters started going up across the country?

1 comment:

Nunyo Beeznis said...

It's about time someone did something drastic to wipe the mystique away from Che. I cringe every time I see someone with his face as a logo - ALTHOUGH - I do have the appreciate the irony of a communist becoming a icon of capitalism. :)