Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eliminate or Scale Back Corn Ethanol Mandate

76% of Americans Want Ethanol Law Changed; 41% Want Mandate Repealed Entirely

Washington, DC - Most Americans - including those in the Farm Belt - want Congress to reduce or eliminate the corn ethanol mandate, according to a new poll released today by the National Center for Public Policy Research.

The poll, published by the Public Opinion and Policy Center of the National Center for Public Policy Research, found that 41% of Americans want Congress to repeal the corn ethanol mandate entirely, while 35% want Congress to repeal the law it passed last December to double it. Just 6% want the mandate to increase as planned while 5% want it to be even expanded further.

"With grocery prices up 1.5% in April alone, or 18% on an annualized basis, Americans don't appear to be in the mood for anything that would push food prices up even further," said David A. Ridenour, vice president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. "While there is more than one reason that food prices are rising, diverting one-third of the U.S. corn crop to produce fuel rather than food is a significant factor and the American people know it."

The survey also found a majority in the Farm Belt want Congress to change the ethanol policy. Twenty-five percent want it repealed entirely while 30% want it scaled back.

"Senator Charles Grassley recently called on Iowans to protest what he called a 'smear campaign' against ethanol,'" said Ridenour. "Don't look for that massive protest any time soon. Ethanol is drawing criticism from the Senator's own backyard."

WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME! Food as fuel has got to be about the dumbest idea ever.

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