Friday, January 4, 2008

GUILTY until proven innocent

Thanks again PA GOP.

The PA GOP just released this ad:

I'd like to take this time to say:

Thanks PA GOP for treating each and every person who wants to teach like a criminal. Your FBI clearance scam pretending that it protects our kids cracks me up! If you really want to protect our kids you'll lock these bastards up and throw away the keys.

This FBI clearance scam only serves to line the pockets of someone somewhere - to BUILD the governments BIG BROTHER biometric data base - and to treat INNOCENT people like criminals by putting a financial and legal burden on innocent people to PROVE that they ARE innocent. These FBI clearances don't keep child molesters out of the schools at best they protect schools from lawsuits by parents by giving them the chance to claim due diligence at the innocent persons expense.

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