Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thomas Sowell - right on target . . . . AGAIN!

Sowell in his latest column lands another knock out punch of reality on the vaunted sensibilities of the left.

Prior to 1970, California housing prices were very similar to housing prices in the rest of the country. In more recent times, it has not been uncommon for California homes to cost three times what homes cost nationwide.

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What happened in the 1970s was that severe government restrictions on building became common in coastal California. With supply restricted and demand not restricted, it was inevitable that prices would soar beyond many people's ability to pay.

The main impetus behind severe restrictions on building is environmentalist zealots who demand that vast amounts of land be set aside as "open space" on which nothing can be built.

It is not uncommon for substantial proportions of all the land in an entire county — sometimes more than half — to be set aside as "open space."

Environmentalists often talk as if they are trying to save the last few patches of greenery from being paved over, when in fact 90 percent of the land in the United States is undeveloped and forests alone cover more area than all the cities and towns in the country combined.

Behind much of the lofty and pretty talk are some ugly and selfish realities.

People who already own their homes in an upscale community pay no price for making it hard for others to move into their community. On the contrary, the value of the homes they already own shoots up when they restrict the supply of new homes.

In other words, they can keep out the less affluent people — or, as they put it, "preserve the character of the community" — while benefiting themselves economically in the name of green idealism.

Rest assured that these elitist communities are always enclaves of leftist idealism. The Democratic party holds sway and the party of the people once again shows which people they are for. Afordable housing is needed - just nowhere near them.

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